FOUND LOST DOG Found lost dog on McAndrew, near Thacher at around 4pm on Thursday, 1/12. Spoke to many neighbors and went door-to-door but no one recognized. DESCRIPTION -Jack Russell mix -neutered male -white with brown spots (a little older with some gray hair) -maybe 20 pounds -wearing collar with electric fence tag, but no name/address tag -wearing harness -very sweet, a little scared and shake-y -good with kids/other dogs We currently have him safely at our house. We're off Shippee, which is off Thacher between Carne and McNell. We've also notified the local shelter, will be taking him in tomorrow to get scanned for microchip, and will be posting on other FB groups, but please spread the word! If he's yours or you know the owner, please contact Jon (917-399-0975) or Kelly (917-399-7230)!