Dog Safety & Recovery Tips

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Fall pet safety tips

(from ASPCA Pet Health Insurance Paw Prints Blog) Antifreeze and pets don’t mix. Your pet may be inclined to lick up this sweet tasting, but toxic chemical. Check the ground for spills after you use antifreeze, and store it safely out of reach. Use rodenticides carefully. Rodenticides lure mice and rats, but they can also attract your pet. Read directions carefully and take precautions to keep your pet safe from these chemicals. Candy is a … [Read more...]

Tips for Fourth of July Dog Safety

With so many animals going missing or ending up at shelters around the 4th of July, please follow these tips to keep all your pets safe: If your pet has a fear of or aversion to loud noises: Something as simple as turning on some soft music and moving your pet into an interior room with no windows can be helpful. An anxiety vest may work in some cases—if you don’t have one, try a snugly fitting t-shirt.  If you and your veterinarian do … [Read more...]

Disaster Preparedness & Recovery Resources

The best way to keep your entire family safe - humans, felines, and all your other animal family members - when there is an emergency, is to have a good plan in place. Always follow this basic safety rule: If you are told to evacuate, leave immediately and take your animals. If it's not safe for you, it's not safe for them. The ASPCA provides disaster preparedness tips here … [Read more...]